Monday, August 2, 2010

Lorenzen Wright Death: Wife Recorded Leaving a Threatening Message

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, The Institute for Black Public Policy

The personal assistant for recently murdered Lorenzen Wright, formerly of the Atlanta Hawks, says that she has a recorded voice mail message from Wright's ex-wife threatening to have him harmed. According to Wendy Wilson, Wright's assistant,Sherra Wright told Lorenzen "things like if she caught him with anyone else, she'd have him 'F'd up or whatever."
Wilson filed a report with Memphis police because she felt the calls were threatening to Wright. She also claims that Wright asked her to keep the tape in case something were to happen to him.
Sherra Wright's divorce attorney denies the allegations, saying that Wright's ex-wife was struggling to pay bills. "I just feel like Sherra Wright is being placed in a bad light," the attorney said to a local TV station,ABC24-WPTY. "She does not deserve it all. She's been an incredible mother and woman. And she's done her best to shield her children from financial difficulties."
After his divorce, Wright was ordered to pay $26,000 per month in child support and alimony. His ex-wife claims that he hadn't made a payment since November. One might doubt Wright's ability to pay his child support in light of the fact that he had two homes repossessed this year. The financial problems appear to be the cause of the alleged dispute between Wright and his ex-wife which occurred shortly before he was found dead.


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